Our network of providers enables us to deliver the high quality services and excellence that our members have come to expect.  Thank you for being a valued colleague in the Senior Network Health provider network and helping us deliver patient care excellence. 

Senior Network Health will request certain required documentation from our providers during our credentialing process for contract initiation and renewals, and also annually as required.  Providers may choose to mail this information to us at

                Senior Network Health
                ATTN: Business Manager
                1650 Champlin Ave.
                Utica NY 13502

or email this information to us at SNHProviderHelp@mvhealthsystem.org.

If you have any questions, comments, or need assistance please contact us:



Provider Links:

NYDOH Participating Provider Owner/Manager Disclosure Certification DOH-5248: https://omig.ny.gov/media/document/15886   

eMedNY Provider Enrollment and Maintenance: https://www.emedny.org/info/ProviderEnrollment/index.aspx

SNH Provider Contact and Directory Information Form

Cultural Competency Programs:

