Mohawk Valley Health System Updated Visitation Policy

Effective October 7, 2024

Wynn Hospital Visitation Guidelines

  • Valet parking is available for patients and visitors, from 5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays, and from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends.
  • Guest services and language services staff are available at the front desk to escort you to your location, help with directions, provide interpretation, etc. Security officers are at the front doors of the Wynn Hospital 24/7/365.
  • All visitors must:
    • Enter through the main entrance and go through the weapons detection system (there is also a weapons detection system in the ED).
    • Present identification to the Guest Services or Security staff, which will be used to develop a photo ID badge. If a visitor does not have identification, the staff will take a photo for use on the badge.
    • Wear a name badge while in the facility.

Visitor Guidelines – Inpatient Hospital Units

  • Visiting hours for inpatient hospital units are from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week. However, quiet time is observed between the hours of 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. During this time, visitors are encouraged to give patients the opportunity to rest.
  • Patients can have two visitors at a time, and they can switch out during visitor hours.
  • Patients with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and patients with cognitive impairments including dementia may designate one support person to remain with them through their hospitalization. An additional visitor may also be with the patient during hospital-designated visiting hours.
  • Pediatric patients may have two designated support persons with them at all times.
  • Patients in imminent end-of-life situations may have two designated support persons with them.
  • Visitors will be asked about symptoms. Visitors will be denied entry if they report significant COVID-19 exposure or symptoms during the prior 10 days.
  • A visitor must remain in the patient room unless otherwise directed by the clinical staff.
  • Visitors and Support Persons who will be enter the rooms of patients on any transmission-based precautions must comply with the following:
    • The visitor or support person will be instructed on the proper use of all required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for entry to the patient’s room.
    • Full PPE will be donned prior to entry to the patient’s room and doffed upon exit from the patient’s room.
    • The visitor/ support person will be instructed to perform appropriate hand hygiene when exiting the patient’s room.
    • Visitors/ support persons who do not adhere to these safety measures will be asked to leave the facility.
  • Visiting patients outside of the designated hours on any unit shall be at the discretion of the Charge Nurse or Manager of the unit and shall be evaluated individually based on the needs of the patient. Visitors shall be encouraged not to stay with patients overnight as to foster an environment for rest. Overnight visiting shall also be evaluated on an individual basis.
  • A patient who wishes a visit by a child under the age of 12 shall obtain the approval of the Nurse Supervisor or Charge Nurse. The child shall be accompanied by a responsible adult (who is not the patient) and accompany the child at all times throughout the visit. It is preferred that children visit in the lobby or patient lounge with adult supervision.
  • The hospital retains the right to request identification of all individuals within the buildings and to ascertain their purpose for being on the premises. Individuals who do not have a need to be on the property, or who pose a threat to patients, staff, other visitors etc. shall be asked to leave, Security and the appropriate police department shall assist as needed, and all EMTALA and CMS Regulations shall be followed prior to dismissing person(s) from the premises.
  • The Nurse Supervisor shall be informed if significant concerns arise regarding visitation, which shall not be conducive to the patient’s care and treatment. The Nurse Supervisor shall obtain the support of Security, the Administrator On Call and local authorities when warranted.
  • All visitors will be given a one-page hand out that details visitor guidelines and contact information for questions.
  • All visitors must show identification, receive a name badge and wear a visitor name badge. 
  • Any exceptions to the visiting guidelines must be approved by the Hospital Supervisor.
  • All visitors must be older than 12 years of age except for previously documented exceptions. It is recommended visitors be 16 years of age or older for the Intensive Care Unit. A patient who wishes a visit by a child under the age of 12 shall obtain approval from the Hospital Supervisor. The child shall be accompanied by a responsible adult (who is not the patient) and will accompany the child at all times throughout the visit. It is preferred that children visit in the lobby or family waiting rooms with adult supervision.


Visitor/Support Person Guidelines – Emergency Department

  • Ambulatory ED patients may have two support persons with them through the intake process, into the treatment room.
  • The support person will be asked about symptoms. The support persons will be denied entry if they report significant COVID-19 exposure or symptoms during the prior 10 days.
  • The support persons will provide wear a visitor name badge.
  • While a patient is undergoing treatment, the support person(s) is encouraged to wait in a designated area.
  • Allowing a support person for critical care in the ED will be assessed and managed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Support person/visitor will be asked to leave if the patient is admitted.
  • Special circumstances in the ED include:
    • Pediatric patients – two support person may accompany the patient throughout their ED visit
    • Patients for whom a support person has been determined to be essential to the care of the patient (medically necessary) including patients with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and patients with cognitive impairments including dementia – one support person may accompany the patient throughout their ED visit except when otherwise directed by medical personnel.
    • Patients in immediate end-of-life situations – two support persons may accompany the patient throughout their ED visit except when otherwise directed by medical personnel.

Visitors should note the following important information:

Our healthcare professionals are working very hard to care for your family member or friend.
We ask that you treat them with respect, kindness and compassion – just as they are doing for your loved one. If you behave otherwise – that is, you are rude, threatening or attempt to bully our staff members – you will be asked to leave our organization and escorted off the property by MVHS Security and/or Law Enforcement. The safety of our staff members and our patients is our first priority. We will act accordingly if they are threatened in any way. Thank you.

Visitor/Support Person Guidelines – Maternal Child Services (Labor and Delivery, Mother and Baby Unit, and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)

The Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) declared the start of the 2024/2025 FLU/RSV/COVID season on December 20, 2024.

Visitation restrictions are effective during prevalent FLU/RSV/COVID seasons or otherwise identified instances:

  • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) will welcome parents and grandparents as well as designated support person(s) and siblings of the newborn over 13 years of age who are showing no signs of illness.
  • Labor and Delivery will welcome 2 designated support persons (once designated, not interchangeable) of the adult patient showing no signs of illness, only.
  • Mother Baby Unit will welcome grandparents of the newborn and designated support person(s) of the adult patient, as well as siblings of the newborn over 13 years of age who are showing no signs of illness.
  • Pediatrics will welcome parents and grandparents, designated support person(s), as well as siblings of the patient showing no signs of illness.

Non-Flu Season Guidelines are as follows: 


  • Two support persons, including a doula if requested, may accompany the patient throughout labor, delivery, and the postpartum period, including recovery, until discharge to home. (These support persons must wear a green bracelet and there is no switching out). The support persons can be the patient’s spouse, partner, sibling, parent, or other persons over the age of 16 of their choice. These two designated support persons may be with the patient outside of the hospital’s regular visiting hour blocks.
  • After delivery, until transferred to Mother and Baby Unit, two additional persons may visit. Only four (4) total visitors are allowed in the mother’s room at one time.
  • The laboring woman’s support persons must be in good health and must not be a person under investigation (PUI) or COVID-19 positive. 
  • The support persons will be asked about symptoms.
    • The support person will be denied entry if they report significant COVID-19 exposure or symptoms during the prior 10 days.
  • If the laboring woman is either a person under investigation or COVID-19 positive, the support person must comply with the following:
    • The support person will be instructed on the proper use of all required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for entry to the patient’s room.
    • Full PPE will be donned prior to entry to the patient’s room and doffed upon exit from the patient’s room.
    • The support person will be instructed to perform appropriate hand hygiene when exiting the patient’s room.
    • Masks may be removed for eating and showering providing that the support person is at least six feet away from the patient while their mask is off.
    • The support person may not leave the building and return repeatedly. One occurrence is permitted to obtain necessary items to remain in the hospital, as a support person, continuously throughout the patient’s admission.
  • The labor support person(s) will be allowed to use the patient’s bathroom/shower.


  • Visiting hours are from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. The time period of 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. is designated quiet time for new mothers to rest.
  • Only four total visitors over the age of 12 are allowed in the mother’s room at one time.
  • During these visiting hours, the two support people from Labor and Delivery and an additional two visitors may be in the Unit.
  • Siblings of the newborn are allowed to visit with an adult visitor from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and may not be left unattended with the mom patient.
  • Only one support person over the age of 16 can stay overnight with the patient and during quiet time.
  • The support persons will be asked about symptoms.
    • The support person will be denied entry if they report significant COVID-19 exposure or symptoms during the prior 10.
  • The labor support person(s) will be allowed to use the patient’s bathroom/shower.


  • Parent shall designate two support persons (over 16 years old) at the time of admission who are permitted to visit the patient with the parents present.
  • The support persons must be in good health and must not be a person under investigation (PUI) or COVID-19 positive.
  • Only two total individuals are permitted at the bedside of a newborn. One parent has to remain at the bedside and one additional visitor may be with the parent. If parents allow, grandparents can visit without the parents from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The grandparents may not bring any visitors with them, only the parents can.
  • For pediatric patients, two parents can remain with the child and two additional visitors can visit during hospital visiting hours.
  • For pediatric patients, siblings are allowed to visit with an adult visitor from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and may not be left unattended.


  • Visiting hours are from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • All adult visitors must be accompanied by primary caregiver and show proper ID.
  • Grandparents may visit without parents if given written permission by the primary caregiver on the NICU visitation form. Grandparents may not bring any visitors with them.
  • A total of 2 adult visitors (1 being the primary caregiver) are allowed at the bedside of each newborn at one time, in addition to a minor sibling visitor.
  • Siblings of the newborn are allowed to visit with an adult visitor from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and may not be left unattended with the primary caregiver.
  • Only one parent can stay overnight with the newborn.
  • Visitors may be asked about the presence of Flu, RSV, or COVID symptoms.
  • Refer to “Additional visitation restrictions during prevalent FLU/RSV/COVID season” during those months.