Javed Malik, MD

Javed Malik, MD

Independent Provider
This is an independent provider not employed by MVHS. Services rendered by this provider may be billed separately. This provider is listed in our directory as a service to our patients and community members. This provider is credentialed to practice at our locations and may see patients at or refer patients to our MVHS facilities. For more information regarding our Medical Group providers, please review our current list of employed primary and specialty care providers. If you are a provider requesting changes to your information, please contact us at any time.

Dr. Malik earned his Medical Degree at King Edward Medical College in Pakistan in 1991. Following completion of his residency in Diagnostic Radiology at Mercy Catholic Medical Center in 2002, he served as a Clinical Fellow in Body Imaging at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Malik is certified in Diagnostic Radiology by the American Board of Radiology.